Ideal for all applications in rear projection, concave or convex. The flexible and waterproof fabric screen allows for rear projection without hotspot as a guarantee. Dark can be installed directly onto glass or acrylic using a transparent spray mount adhesive.
Dark is offered straight cut or finished with a border, eyelets and cords, to tension mount. Additionally it can finished with pockets and tabs for sliding into framework. The charcoal black, non self adhesive fabric offers a gain of 2, wide viewing angle and contrast ratio 0f 300:1. The most portable screen in our range, the Dark can be rolled up and moved across multiple site repeatedly.
Sonic welding is available to offer extra large sizes without a visible join or seam.
Thickness: 0.1mm
Contrast Ratio: 300:1
Gain: (-) 2
Viewing Angle: 180 degree
Maximum Height: 10m
Maximum Width: 2m
Edge: Not Applicable
Install method: Spray Adhesive, Tension Mounted, or Framed.
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